Bass Fishing Harrison Lake
Bass fishing in Harrison lake can be very productive. Harrison lake is a man made lake from back when they dammed up Mill Creek in 1939, and therefore, contains a lot of the structure that bass like to hide and live in.
Harrison Lake is found Here on Google Maps. It’s about a 105 acre lake and the deepest points are about 25 feet deep.
Lake Harrison has a lot of underwater structure. Some of it is man made, some of it is natural. There are a lot of fallen trees and laydowns that will hold bass. There are also a lot of sunken Christmas trees and other artificial structure. See map below for details. Fishing maps are always available from the park office at all of the reservoirs and lakes in northwest Ohio.
The lake was designed to be a hunting, fishing, camping lake, and serves those purposes very well. The water is not crystal clear, but more murky, but the fish have adapted and still thrive in it.
The deepest hole is in the southeast corner and is about 24-25 feet deep. The rest of the lake averages about 12 feet deep, depending on water levels. There is a lot of rip rap along the dam.
The lake is known to have bluegill, crappie, largemouth bass, carp, catfish, and bullhead.
Fishing structure will be your best friend. Almost any of theĀ usual Ohio and Midwest bass fishing techniques will be available.
Lots of buried tree fields and sunken Christmas trees exist. Lots of fallen trees line the shore and there is a lot of rip rap along the dam.
Spinnerbaits, crankbaits, large worms, and jigs in mostly brighter colors will produce. If the water is clearer, select more natural colors. If water visibility is low (0-3 feet), use brighter yellows and chartreuses. Gizzard shad are the primary baitfish, so any bait that imitates gizzard will work. Bass also feed on bluegill, crappie, and baby bass, so almost any imitation lures will work.
Small boats and kayaks are allowed.
Fishing pressure for largemouth bass isn’t very high. Most anglers on Harrison are fishing for bluegill, catfish, sunfish, and crappie. The largest bass from Harrison lake are about 20 inches and around 4 pounds.